Hey Coffee Roasters!
Let the experts at ASM Environmental, LLC show you how Dry Ice Cleaning Technology can clean and improve coffee roasting equipment efficiency, without any secondary waste
Corrosion Removal and Cleaning of A Steam Turbine using Dry Ice Blasting Technology
We used Dry Ice Blasting Technology to remove surface corrosion and clean a steam turbine during a customers maintenance outage. Dry Ice Blasting Technology restored
Historical Restoration and Paint Removal from 100 Year Old Metal Ceiling Tiles
We used dry ice blasting technology to clean and remove paint and corrosion from metal ceiling tiles. The process lifted 99% of the paint revealing
Cleaning Electric Motors with Dry Ice Blasting!
Check out this case study on how Dry Ice Blasting Technology can save you time and money in maintaining your facilities electrical motors and equipment.
Industrial Manufacturing Maintenance with Dry Ice Blasting Technology!
The customer was experiencing slipping issues with lubricating agents building up on surfaces of platforms, walkways, and stairs. Our team of dry ice blasting experts
Slurry Blasting
We use a mixture of water and recycled crushed glass media to remove paint from 100 year old beadboard. Slurry blasting controls the dust with
Tank Cleaning, The Dry Ice Way!
The customer needed to have their tank cleaned but couldn’t have any secondary products contaminating the environment. Dry Ice Cleaning Technology to the rescue, with